Cell biologics有数百种不同的可直接用于体外试验的动物源和人源的原代细胞。 包括:小鼠、大鼠、兔、猪和食蟹猴等动物源及人源各类原代内皮细胞、上皮细胞、成纤维细胞、平滑肌细胞、肿瘤细胞、干细胞、骨髓间充质干细胞、白细胞以及巨噬细胞等。还提供高质量的人、动物原代细胞完全配套培养基产品。 热销产品货号规格 Complete Endothelial Cell Medium /w Kit (with VEGF)M1168500 ml Endothelial Cell Growth Supplement-ECGS (500X)(仅限港澳地区销售)11661ML Endothelial Cell Medium - Serum Free /w KitM1266SF500 ml Gelatin-Based Coating Solution- ready to use6950100ML Complete Endothelial Cell Medium /w KitM1266500 ml Complete Epithelial Cell Medium /w KitM6621500 ml C57BL/6 Mouse Primary Lung Microvascular Endothelial CellsC57-6011Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) C57BL/6 Mouse Primary Kidney Glomerular Endothelial CellsC57-6014GFrozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Complete Cell Culture Medium /w KitM5567500 ml CD1 mouse primary liver cellsCD-1018Frozen Vial(1-2x106 Cells) C57BL/6 Mouse Primary Coronary Artery Endothelial CellsC57-6093Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Endothelial Cell Medium - Serum Free /w KitM1168SF500 ml Endothelial Cell Basal MediumM1168b500 ml C57BL/6 Mouse Primary Retinal Microvascular Endothelial CellsC57-6065Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) C57BL/6 Mouse Primary Uterine Smooth Muscle CellsC57-6213Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Collagen Type I, Rat Tail Solution - ready to use6953100ML Complete Embryonic Fibroblast MediumM6821500ml Trypsin/EDTA 0.25% Solution6914100ML C57BL/6 Mouse Primary Dermal Lymphatic Endothelial CellsC57-6064LFrozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Endothelial Cell Basal Medium - Glucose and Phenol Red FreeGPF1168b500 ml C57BL/6 Mouse Primary Artery Endothelial cellsC57-6008Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) CD1 Mouse Primary Lung FibroblastsCD-1013Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Rat Primary Bladder Microvascular Endothelial CellsRA-6214Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Porcine Primary Thymus Epithelial CellsP-6209Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Diabetic Mouse Bone Marrow-Derived Endothelial CellsMD-6031Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Hamster Primary Ovarian Microvascular Endothelial CellsHM-6090Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Canine Primary Tracheal and Bronchial Epithelial CellsD-6033Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) C57BL/6 Mouse Primary Vein Endothelial cellsC57-6009Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) CD1 Mouse Primary Lymphatic FibroblastsCD-1070Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Rat Primary Bone Marrow-Derived Endothelial CellsRA-6221Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Diabetic Mouse Brain Microvascular Endothelial CellsMD-6023Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Hamster Primary Pancreatic Microvascular Endothelial CellsHM-6206Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Canine Primary Uterine Epithelial CellsD-6212Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) C57BL/6 Mouse Primary Cardiac Microvascular Endothelial CellsC57-6024Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) CD1 Mouse Primary Mammary FibroblastsCD-1071Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Rat Primary Brain Microvascular Endothelial CellsRA-6023Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Diabetic Mouse Cardiac Microvascular Endothelial CellsMD-6024Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Hamster Primary Placental Microvascular Endothelial CellsHM-6056Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Canine Primary Aortic FibroblastsD-6075Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) C57BL/6 Mouse Primary Pulmonary Artery Endothelial CellsC57-6059Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) CD1 Mouse Primary Ovarian FibroblastsCD-1072Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Rat Primary Brain Microvascular Endothelial CellsRN-6023Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Porcine Primary Uterine Epithelial CellsP-6212Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Diabetic Mouse Colonic Endothelial CellsMD-6203Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Hamster Primary Prostate Microvascular Endothelial CellsHM-6027Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Canine Primary Artery FibroblastsD-6073Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) C57BL/6 Mouse Primary Pulmonary Vein Endothelial CellsC57-6060Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) CD1 Mouse Primary Pancreatic FibroblastsCD-1201Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Rat Primary Cardiac Microvascular Endothelial CellsRA-6024Frozen Vial (1x106 Cells ) Diabetic Mouse Coronary Artery Microvascular Endothelial CellsMD-6093Frozen Vial (0.5x106 Cells )相关产品:Zenoaq STEM-CELLBANKER GMP等级干细胞冻存液日本同仁CCK-8细胞增殖/毒性试剂盒美国Sciencell人源及动物源ELISA试剂盒Biowest胎牛血清Elitecell EliteGro细胞培养基FINN CHAMBER ATOPY 12MM斑试器 FINN CHAMBER ATOPY 12MM斑试器 Item #/Vendor: AL7012 / AL23120GEN 建议将12mm斑贴用于食物的特应性斑贴测试。 研究表明,大孔径(12mm)与更高的敏感性(真阳性)和特异性(真阴性)以及更高的阳性预测(有症状的患者中有症状个体的比例)和阴性预测(无症状的比例)相关。 用食品进行斑贴测试时,测试结果为阴性的人的值要比小孔径(8mm)的值高。 每片有5个12mm的小室,可轻松进行斑贴测试的准备和应用... 2021年春节放假安排 各位亲爱的客户, 2021牛年春节来临之际,根据《国务院办公厅公布2021年春节放假安排》结合我公司实际情况,现将我司春节放假安排如下: 一、春节假期:2021年2月6日至2月21日放假休息共15天,2月22日正常上班; 在2021年春节长假到来之际,感谢大家一如既往的支持和厚爱, 在此我公司全体员工向您们致以节日的问候,祝您新年快乐,生意兴隆,家庭幸福。... 关于疫情期间订货和发货的说明 各位新老客户朋友: 大家好! 受新冠肺炎疫情影响,海外订购试剂耗材运输时间和清关速度收到很大影响,造成很多期货产品货期延迟。另外国内各地快递速度普遍延长了运输时间,请各位客户合理安排好实验计划,提前订货,避免给您的工作造成延误。 另外受疫情影响,我公司目前发货时间定为每周固定时间发货,货物发出后会及时给大家提供运单号,请及时追踪,并保持电话畅通。 最后祝各位新老客户身体健康,工作顺利。...